Unleash Your Mind, Fuel Your Life, Back to Zero
Sonntag, 13. Januar 2013
I know what I have to do. Yet I'm scared as hell to do it.
I know it doesn't matter what other people think of you. Yet it scares the shit out of me.
Only approximately 28.251 days - that's the number of days which an average human being is living on this planet. If we assume that our prime lies between the age of 18 and let's say 35, that means our wildest and craziest days are limited to 6.025... holy shit. That's not a big number, considering that we only fucking LIVE ONCE!
So what the hell am I waiting for, there's a million reasons to start right now, to stop writing this text, just go out and do whatever fuels you, whatever makes you happy, whatever makes you smile, whatever warms your heart to the fullest extent.
All that Social Conditioning is like a virus in our heads. We are basically living lives, that the majority of us doesn't love. Why is nobody asking themselves, for what reason they ARE living this life. I don't want to say, throw away everything you've got and worked for. It's just that you should be able to ask yourself the question:

"Why am I doing what I'm doing?"
"Does it make me happy?"
"Does it really make you happy? Then that's great. Go on doing it."
"Why are you not happy?"
"What WOULD make you truly happy?"
"What keeps you away from doing it?" --> Nothing and noone, but you or what your brain is conditioned to think. It's all in your head, it's not even funny.

Let's face it. Money doesn't make you happy. Money solves financial problems, not happiness. The happiest people in the world, don't live in America, not in Germany, not in Russia... but in Costa Rica, Vietnam, Colombia (Check: Happyplanetindex.org)
The happiest people in the world, live in the poorest places in the world!

We only have this one life... I only have this one life. I will stop considering what the fuck anybody on this planet thinks of me. I will stop considering making lots of money. All I'll be considering is, to find out WHAT makes me happy, and then do it. Because life is fucking short. Oh and by the way, let's not forget that we sleep about 35% of our life time.
